It seems God is really up to something!

Psalm 100

By Kevin Kneisl from YWAM Madison

“It seems God is really up to something!” We all concluded this as we sat around a cozy living room on the Northside. That night I had been invited to meet with Troy Gardens Missional Family to talk about how YWAM could collaborate with them to pull off a 24 hour prayer and worship event on Madison’s Northside. What struck me first was the warm connection I felt with this group of people I just met, and then the stories we shared about God stirring believers from many churches to collaborate and pray together. And, now the Lord had opened up a door for us (YWAM and TGMF) to do just that.

The idea was to set apart 24 hours for people across church lines to fellowship over dinner, to worship together, and then to give thanks to God and pray for our city for 20 hours (we took hour-long shifts!). Since we only had a week to pull this off I didn’t expect much of a turn out. But folks from about 6 churches/ministries were in attendance! It was truly wonderful to be able to worship together with nearly 40 people, many of them new to me. I made several connections that night with people who want to continue to collaborate in prayer for Madison.

On November 13th, we gathered for dinner, corporate worship, and 20 hours of shifts in a “prayer room”. The prayer room was set up so each person could engage with God however we wanted, and we also offered a few guided prayer stations. There was also a chalk board where people could write out prayers. After the event I loved seeing how many people wrote out prayers for revival in their families and in the city. I was especially inspired to see 8 people (from a few different ministries) in the prayer room from 2-4am, praying for the UW campus!

We pray that God continues to unite his church together in relationship and prayer, to His glory!

We invite you to partner with us in telling stories that highlight how God is working in and through the local church by supporting Collaboration Project today.

Jon Anderson