NEW Ministry Co-Working Space

At Collaboration Project, we believe that when the Church works together it offers a witness to the love of Christ, and blessings multiply when we unite for the good of our community. How we work has changed dramatically over the last few years and ministry professionals are no different. Serving the church doesn’t mean having to work in isolation anymore.

Thanks to a generous gift of space from Lighthouse Church, we have the opportunity to open a Ministry Co-Working Space designed for Christian nonprofits and churches serving in Dane County. And to make it affordable, we have set our prices 50-70% below the market rates for commercial co-working spaces.

Our Co-Working space offers a choice of working environments and common areas to network with other members. Our dream is that this space will provide a high quality work environment, countless connections that lead to ministry collaboration, and help ministry professionals be more productive and feel more supported in our community.

You can help turn this dream into a reality by supporting the $17,000 in start-up expenses. Being able to reach – or even exceed – this goal will allow us to keep our rates affordable and let our churches and nonprofits focus on the work they do best throughout Dane County. As an added incentive, all donors will be invited to a VIP Opening Event to be among the first to tour the new space!

Jon Anderson